THURSDAY: Thankful
A Prayer of Gratitude
Pause. Just for a moment.
Grow still. Notice your breath. Let yourself become aware that God is here with you.
Begin to pray this prayer to God:
Inhale: "Taste and see;"
Exhale: "the Lord is good."
Breathe this prayer, slow and steady, for seven cycles of breath.
Notice what changes in your body, mind, and spirit as you pray.
Read the words from Psalm 106:
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His steadfast love endures forever."
Read it again. Slowly.
Consider your life.
What are you drawn to thank God for today?
Think big and small, significant and silly.
Let your heart respond to Jesus. Use your own words or pray along with the poem below.
"Thank You, O God, for the gifts of sight;​
for sunsets and sunflowers, for lanterns and light.
Thank You, O God, for the gifts of sound:
for the laughter of children, for symphonies, and rain.
Thank You, O God, for the gifts of smell:
for fresh brewing coffee and lavender stalks.
Thank You, O God, for the gifts of taste:
for curry and cherries and cocoa and cake.
Thank You, O God, for the gifts of touch:
for pup fur and petals, for hearth-heat and hugs.
Thank You for tucking Your endless love
in the everyday pleasures we hold in our hands."